10 days remaining: Affiliation for the 2024-2025 season

There are 10 days remaining for the completion of affiliation for the 2024/2025 season is now open. Clubs are reminded that they must be affiliated in order to vote in national elections (Rule 6.11). The deadline by which all fees are due through your club’s Blocworx portal is midnight on June 15th.


The total cost of affiliation is €765 per club; however, IABA is in a position to contribute to the fees of every club which is re-affiliating this season. The co-funding amount is 10% of the total. This IABA co-funding reduces the cost for each club to €695.

In the 2020/2021 season, IABA paid all affiliation costs for all clubs, to the value of circa €700 per club.

In the 2021/2022 season, IABA paid 60% of the affiliation fees for all clubs, to the value of circa €450 per club

In the 2022/2023 season, IABA paid all affiliation costs for all re-affiliating clubs, to the value of circa €700 per club. Newly affiliating clubs paid a nominal fee of €250

In the 2023/2024 season, IABA contributed €355 to the affiliation fees of all clubs.

In the 2024/2025 season, IABA is contributing €70 to the affiliation fees of all clubs.

This is a total contribution by IABA to the insurance costs of all clubs of €2,275, per club.

2024/2025 Affiliation & Insurance Fee Breakdown

  • Proportion of affiliation fee going to insurance costs: 97.8%
  • Insurance cover, including travel insurance, personal accident, approved club events and public liability cover: €680
  • County Board affiliation fee: €5
  • Provincial Council affiliation fee: €5
  • Central Council affiliation fee: €5
  • Therefore – Insurance Fee: €680/ Affiliation Fee: €15

Sub-total: €765

Discount: 10% – €70

TOTAL: €695

Every year, we endeavour to ensure the best possible deal for our members. As part of membership of the Irish Athletic Boxing Association, successfully affiliated clubs receive the benefit of the association’s comprehensive insurance package, including Public Liability and Travel.  This cover applies solely to activities controlled, sponsored, recognised and/or authorised by IABA (e.g.  training of boxers, permitted shows). It is not a substitute for club’s own insurance arrangements.

Fees due:

Midnight, June 15th:  Fees must be paid, in full, through your club’s Blocworx portal. In completing affiliation for the 2024/2025 season, clubs must review:

Main contact email:

This is the email address that IABA uses to send correspondence to your club. Please check that:

  1. This is the email address your club wants to use to receive all of its correspondence
  2. This is a functioning email addresses, with no typos or errors
  3. This email address is able to receive emails.
  4. If the club is using the personal email address of a club member, please ensure this person consents to the inclusion of their email address as the club’s main contact email
  5. Please do not use email addresses linked to your employment as your main contact email address. Doing so means that sensitive information which belongs to your club is being stored on the email server used by your employer, and that information is accessible by your employer. It also means that, should you move to a different role with a new employer, your club has lost all access to all of its emails and all of this sensitive information.
  6. IABA strongly advises that clubs set up a club email address, so that, in the event that officers change, all club information is stored in the same place, and not spread across several email accounts in the event that officers change within your club.

Secretary’s Address

Please review and up-date your secretary’s home address. This is the address to which any and all postal ballots will be sent.  Please ensure that a relevant Eircode or Postcode is included


All boxers, whether they are competitive or not, must be included in your Blocworx portal so that they are insured. If you haven’t already done so, please now review the details of every boxer in your club in your portal, and add any boxers in your club who are not present. Please remove any boxers who are no longer members of your club, including boxers who may have transferred to another club.

Coaches and R&Js

A significant number of club members have qualified as coaches, Judges and Referees since clubs affiliated for the current season. Please make sure that all of your club’s new coaches are included in the coaching section of your affiliation portal, and that any members who have qualified as Judges or Referees are named in the relevant section of your portal, including their qualification.


If your officers (President/Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Child Protection Officer) have changed, or changed elected roles within your club since your last affiliation, please up-date those records in Blocworx. Note: No one person in a club can hold two elected offices – for example, the Secretary cannot also be the President/Chair, Treasurer or Child Protection Officer. However, an officer can hold an elected role and act as a coach or other form of volunteer, for example.

Affiliation timeline:

Your affiliation goes through several steps before it is approved. Once your club has completed the review and up-date of affiliation information, then:

  1. Your county board has a two-week period from the time your club submits its application to review that application; this will not begin until June 29th
  2. Your provincial unit has a two-week from the time your county board has completed its review to, in turn, review your application; this won’t begin until July 13th
  3. Your application will be reviewed by National Stadium staff
  4. If all is in order, affiliation will be approved.


The portal is here

Usernames and passwords issued to clubs for this season’s affiliation process have not changed. IABA has already re-issue username and log-in details to clubs in recent weeks.

Here’s a tutorial on how to complete your affiliation :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqeWJhdt51s

Here’s a tutorial on how to add members: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TylE3I5N_RU

If you have any questions or require any assistance in preparing for your 2023/2024 affiliation, please contact any member of staff. The sooner you contact a member of staff with your difficulty, the sooner it can be resolved. Please do not wait until the final day for affiliation to ask for staff assistance.

Important Notice

Clubs should be advised that if their affiliation actions, including all Garda/Access NI matters are not addressed during the applicable period, clubs will not be able to undertake the following:

  1. Vote in any AGM or EGM
  2. Vote in any Central Council or Provincial Council elections
  3. Enter any boxers in any National Championships
  4. Submit any club members for participation in Fundamentals: Assistant coach courses
  5. Submit any club members for participation in Level One: Club Coach courses
  6. Submit any members for participation in IABA Safeguarding workshops
  7. Submit any member for participation in IABA iBoxClean anti-doping learning
  8. Submit any member for participation in IABA 360 Degrees: Diversity & Inclusion learning
  9. Submit any member for any Women in Sport, Diversity & Inclusion or Club Development programme.