5 Boxing Coach Developers complete Stage One of Sport Ireland training.

IABA has 5 new Coach Developers-in-training, following their completion of Stage One of Sport Ireland Certificate in Sports Coach Development course.

Dino Dallat, Ballymote Boxing Club, Seamus McCann, Glengormley ABC, Rio & Tokyo Olympian Brendan Irvine, National Development Manager, James Geraghty and Workforce Development Officer Bridget Scott have completed 11 days of training and assignments over a 5 month period, and passed all evaluations to attain their CDC41. This is a Sport Ireland qualification which enables those who graduate from the course to deliver Coach Education in their respective sports.

Whilst these Coach Developers have completed the learning element of their qualification, Sport Ireland requires that all CDs complete a 6-12 month apprenticeship, assisting existing Coach Developers in delivering coach education in their respective sports. This is Stage Two learning.

This means that these 5 Coach Developers will assist the existing community of Boxing Coach Developers in delivery Fundamentals: Assistant Coach and Level One: Club Coach learning over the next 6-12 months, before graduating as full Coach Developers, before leading in coach education delivery in their own right.

More information on Sport Ireland’s Coach Developer training programme is available here