Closing on Wednesday – Phase Three Rules Consultation

As pledged at the IABA EGM on 12 October, a third phase of consultation on the IABA Rulebook has now opened.

A two- phase formal consultation on the revision of the rulebook took place in November-December 2023 and June-July 2024. A 10-month information consultation was open between November 2023 and September 2024.

The revised rulebook was adopted by the Board of Directors on September 20th last – but member voting on adoption has been postponed to allow additional consultations with State Services: the Defence Forces, Gardai, the PSNI and Universities.

The consultation is now open to all members, through for a two week period until 5pm on Wednesday, October 30th.

Thereafter, the Rules Committee will review all submissions and issue any amendments to all clubs by Wednesday, November 6th, for their consideration.

IABA Rulebook