Danas Pozniakas Youth Tournament



Please be informed the traditional and prestigious Danas Pozniakas Youth Tournament will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania on March 19-24. The competition period of the Danas Pozniakas Youth Tournament is March 20-23.

Boxing2019 – Danas Pozniakas Youth Tournament Entry Form

Boxing2019 – Danas Pozniakas Youth Memorial Tournament Invitation

The 14th edition of the Danas Pozniakas Youth Tournament is scheduled to be held for the 2001 and 2002 age groups in Vilnius. You can find the invitation document and the registration sheet in the attachments.

The competition was named after Lithuania’s national boxing hero Mr. Danas Pozniakas who achieved gold medal at the Mexico City 1968 Olympic Games.

Organizer of the tournament:

Vilnius Boxing Academy
Email of the LOC: r_palionyte@yahoo.com (Ms. Raimonda Palionyte)

Weight classes of the competition:

Men’s youth: 49kg, 52kg, 56kg, 60kg, 64kg, 69kg, 75kg, 81kg, 91kg, +91kg