Sport Ireland is opening its Sports Energy Support Scheme to boxing clubs. The application process takes under 5 minutes and is available here. Clubs are advised that the deadline for applications is midday on Tuesday, November 23rd.
****55 clubs have already completed their expressions of interest. These clubs do not need to complete a second expression of interest – they are invited to up-load their utility bills/screenshots of utility bills here
This funding is designed to support boxing clubs with rising energy costs associated with delivering training, including indoor activity in winter, the provision of outdoor floodlighting, etc.
- Sport Ireland will only accept applications under this scheme from boxing clubs which own/lease the sporting facilities and/or which are the primary utility bill payer.
• The Sports Energy Support Scheme (SESS) will contribute to the increased energy costs associated with providing sporting activity, only.
• The Eligibility period will relate to increased costs sustained between September 1st 2022 and March 31st 2023, when compared with costs incurred between Sept 2019 and March 2020
• Non Energy related increases are ineligible. These include increased costs in accommodation, rent, rates or labour costs.
• Fuel costs associated with machinery, vehicles, travel or transport do not qualify.
• Pre-existing debts or deficits do not qualify.
• Energy costs associated with non-sporting activity such as bars, restaurants etc. are not eligible under SESS; however, such trading activity may be eligible for support under the
Government’s Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme (TBESS).
• Organisations applying for support must own/lease the sporting facilities or be the primary utility bill payer.
The Scheme will be open to Sport Ireland Recognised/Funded NGBs. This is to ensure pre-existing levels of governance and operational assurances exist between Sport Ireland and those in direct receipt of funding.
• The Scheme is aimed at supporting Clubs in the Republic of Ireland only.
• Sport Ireland will establish a minimum level of support for clubs. This will be determined when the extent of the demand from the sector is known.
• Support will be capped at a maximum of €60,000 for any one club.
• The Scheme will not cover:
➢ Private/Commercial gyms, pools & sports facilities (Private/commercial enterprises
are eligible to apply for TBESS)
➢ Local authority facilities
➢ School or Third level sports facilities
Clubs which do not have copies of their utility bills from September 2019-March 2020 to hand can request them of their utility provider.
Sport Ireland has advised that it does not expect to pay grants to any successful sporting club until early 2023. Sport Ireland will assess and allocate the Sport Energy Scheme funding to the IABA on behalf of the clubs, with distribution expected in Quarter One of 2023. Meeting the eligibility criteria and/or submitting an application is no guarantee that your application will be successful, and a grant will be awarded. Clubs can only submit one application.
If you require any assistance, please contact IABA National Development Manager, James Geraghty, through