Entries to the 2024 National U22 Championships are open, and are being accepted until 5pm on Friday, July 5th.
The National Registrar, Mr. Philip Rooney, has advised that pro-wraps may be worn.
Competition Arrangements:
Venue: National Stadium, Dublin.
Dates: July 12th 13th 14th /19th 20th 21st / 26th 27th 28th
Entries: A non–refundable entry fee of €30 applies, including in the event of a boxer withdrawal. Online entry, via the Blocworx portal, is open until 5pm, sharp, on Friday, July 5th . Entries will not be accepted without the payment of entry fees. All fees must be paid by 5pm on July 5th. Only boxers for whom entries have been completed and entry fees have been received will be allowed box.
Entry Form: Affiliated clubs wishing to enter boxers into the championships must log-in to their Blocworx portal, using their unique username and password. Clubs who have not retained their username or password following the completion of their affiliation for the 2023/2024 season can contact IABA staff, Sally Ann Kinch sally@iaba.ie, James Geraghty, James@iaba.ie or Ciara Plunkett, ciara@iaba.ie
As the U22 National Championships form a basis for team selection to international competition, please be aware that all boxers entering this competition must: (1) be members of an IABA affiliated club, (2) must be explicitly named in their club’s Blocworx portal, (3) be eligible to represent IABA under IBA eligibility regulations {4.2}, holding an applicable in-date passport, (4) boxers must have completed the applicable waiver/code of conduct process
No international competition kits to be worn by any boxers; boxers may wear club kit, only.
Draws: Tuesday, 09th July, 1pm in the National Stadium.
Only boxers entered through the Blocworx portal for whom fees are fully paid will be included in the draw.
Attention is drawn to the following IABA rule –
A club shall not include in its list of members the name of any person who is a member of any other club.
Accordingly, any club making an entry to the U22 championships affirms that the entrant is not a member of any other club, in any jurisdiction.
Weigh-in and Medical: Boxers will weigh in each day they box. Individual weigh-in times may be given to participants, but this will be decided and made known prior to the event. A medical will be performed on every boxer on Tuesday 09th July from 8am to 12pm at the National Stadium.
Boxing Record books to be presented by the boxer at their initial weigh-in.
Weigh-in dates: July 12th – 14th 8.00am – 11.00am
July 19th – 21st 8.00am – 11.00am
July 26th – 28th 8.00am – 11.00am
Boxing: Friday, July 12th at 7.00pm. Other times will be contingent on entries and shall be announced after the draw.
Duration: Duration of rounds: Men & Women 3×3 Minutes
Men: 48kg, 51kg, 54kg, 57kg, 60kg, 63.5kg, 67kg, 71kg, 75kg, 80kg, 86kg, 92kg, 92+kg
Women: 48kg, 50kg, 52kg, 54kg, 57kg, 60kg, 63kg, 66kg, 70kg, 75kg, 81kg, 81+kg
Age Requirements: Boxers born between 2002 and 2005 inclusive.
Waiver & Code of Conduct:
It is a condition of entry/participation that entrants completed the online Waiver/Code of Conduct process.
It is a condition of participation that all officials have completed the Waiver/Members acknowledgement form adhere to any agreement made with the Association sponsors.
Anti-Doping may be carried out at any stage of the championships and all boxers must advise the doctor of any medication they are taking or have taken in the preceding 4 weeks. It is imperative that all boxers adhere to the Anti-Doping Rules and Regulations. For any queries regarding this matter, boxers/coaches should contact Mr Larry Morrison, IBA Anti-Doping Officer on 086-0292476.
Non Pregnancy Declaration forms must be signed.
Attire: Boxers shall have one red and one blue vest. In accordance the IBA Technical and Competition Rule 48.7, boxers may wear form-fitting arm and/or leg coverings. Hair must be tied back and swimming hats or hairnets should be worn under the headgear for boxers with long hair. No red, orange or pink gum shields are allowed A Boxer can have a beard and moustache, but either must not cover the neck and must not be longer that 10cms, in accordance with the IBA Technical and Competition Rule
Coaches: They must wear track suitsandrunners at all sessions and endeavour to set a high standard of hygiene in the corners. No shorts, caps or hats are allowed. Only qualified coaches permitted in corners.
Sportsmanship: All decisions must be accepted in a sporting manner. Any complaints must be addressed to the Chief Official, Mr. Philip Rooney. Please show respect to all Ringside Officials. A document stipulating requirements in relation to conduct and the use of social media must be signed by all boxers and coaches at their initial weigh-in.
Please note:
- The U22 Championship will be run under IBA Technical & Competition rules, as adopted on September 1st, 2022.
- Referee & Judges for the U22 Championships will not be allowed enter the field of play as a coach with their club boxer.
- All Referee & Judges must bring their record books.