Please be informed the Hungarian Boxing Association will be hosting two international training and sparring camps which will be held in Tata Olympic Training Centre in Hungary.

Date of the 1st Training Camp:
February 19-25 – Youth boxers are also eligible to take part

Date of the 2nd Training Camp:
April 2-7 – Youth training camp before the qualification events

Their package contains the accommodation, the meals, the transportation and all training sessions for only 55 EUR/person/day.

Tata is near to capital city and the distance from the Budapest International Airport is only 70km. The accomodation, the restaurant, the swimming pool, the boxing hall and all other training possibilities are in one location within the Tata Olympic Training Centre.

You can check the website of the Tata Olympic Training Centre:

A lot of countries are interested about it so please book your place in time.

Contact persons in the Hungarian Boxing Association for further details:

Mrs. Anett Nagy – 

Mr. Karoly Balzsay –
Mr. Andras Gall –