**Due to current high temperatures, do session early in the morning or late evening and stay hydrated throughout the day**
Warm up: 12/15 mins
(General warm up/stretching)
Technical/Shadow rounds
Juniors 6 x 2mins
Youths 6 x 3mins
1min rest between rounds
Round 1 (single punch attacks/speed)
Every 5seconds throw fast Single punch at any distance feint in between punching, followed by good defence.
Round 2 (single punch attacks, power)
Single power punches at any distance every 5 seconds, defend more with head and upper body movement, again faint between attacks.
Round 3 (3/4 punch attacks, mix power + speed)
Mix combinations between power and speed,
1 punch speed + 2 power
Or 1 punch power + 2 speed
Round 4 (attack, defend, attack)
Be 1st with each attack then defend followed by attack. Example start off with 1 – 2, lean back, then attach backhand, front hook.
Round 5 (open round)
High pace round while working on correct technique of punches.
Round 6 (switch stance, open round)
Work at slower pace against concentrate on good punching technique and good balance/footwork.
3mins Rest
IABA Junior/Youth team
(Home sessions)
6 rounds
1min per round
45secs break between rounds
Repeat 3 times
Round 1
30 seconds rolling/slipping
30 seconds push ups
Round 2
30 secs straight punching
30 secs sit ups
Round 3
30 secs uppercuts
30 secs squat jumps
Round 4
30 secs hooks
30 secs burpees
Round 5
30 secs straight punches + uppercuts
30 secs mountain climbers
Round 6
30 secs rolling + hooks
30 secs sprinting on spot
Cool down/stretch 10mins