Clubs wishing to upload their own training videos onto their Facebook page, etc, should be advised that they need to follow the guidelines outlined below:
We can advise clients that their coaches/instructors can coach/instruct remotely, including uploading general videos, on the basis that:
- The coach/instructor should be suitably qualified to instruct on the activity
- The activity being suitable to be undertaken in someone’s home
- The coach reminds participants to check their surroundings are clear and to keep any pets of distractions away during exercise
- The coach should specify at the start of any video that this is general guidance and anyone doing the exercise should be aware of their own capabilities and only do what they are comfortable to do or seek medical advice if in any doubt
- The coach should remind participants to stay hydrated.
- The coach/instructor should be mindful with regard to the use of copyrighted music/material
If you are coaching vulnerable adults or anyone under 18 there are potential safeguarding points we need to consider
- Gain written consent from parents and explain what the purpose of the training is, when it will be done, on what platform etc.
- Use an online-share platform – that way the coach will not necessarily need access to the children’s contact details and only use it for the purpose of the training.
- Do not make contact with athletes outside of the training unless with parental consent.
- Ensure that you and the athletes wear appropriate clothing at all times.
Coaching Tutorial Videos disclaimer:
Please note this video is provided as a training resource tool for Irish Athletic Boxing Association (IABA) affiliated clubs. Anyone wishing to use this resource video in their own home should take the following precautions prior to exercise:
- Anyone doing the exercise should be aware of their own capabilities and only do what they are comfortable to do or seek medical advice if in any doubt.
- Stay hydrated throughout (post workout, during and prior to the session).
- Make sure you have cleared your surroundings and have created a safe area prior to the workout, this includes keeping any pets or distractions away during exercise.
- Members under the age of eighteen must be supervised by a parent/guardian while using this video.
*Please be advised the IABA accepts no responsibility for any potential accident/s or harm the user/s my encounter while using this video.