The IABA is recruiting 3 new members of staff for the IABA Ulster Branch to continue the development of Boxing within Ulster.
IABA Ulster Operations Manager
The post-holder will oversee all operations of the IABA Ulster Branch, with the strategic focus on improving and developing boxing within Ulster. The role will work closely with the Ulster Boxing Council and the County Antrim Board, whilst reporting to the IABA. The post will be responsible for the implementation of the IABA Strategic Plan and the Ulster Boxing Council’s Strategy, while also continuing to deliver recommendations of the report of the Independent Working Group Examining Boxing in Ulster. The post will be responsible for all financial, staff and governance management within the Branch and provide governance support to the IABA. The post-holder will seek a variety of funding and other sponsorship and revenue sources to support and increase service development within Ulster.
The IABA is seeking an experienced manager to lead the IABA Ulster Branch operations. The person will be highly organised with the ability to multi-task and manage their time in a highly efficient manner. You will also have a high level of verbal, written and inter-personal communication skills. You will have experience in managing people, resources, budgets and have experience in organising and administering good governance practices.
Ulster Operations Manager Job Description and Personal Specification:
Ulster Operations Manager application form:
Participation & Engagement Officer
To lead on and increase participation in boxing at all levels in Ulster, make it sustainable and monitor, evaluate and assess the impact of participation.
This will include developing and delivering innovative participation programmes to increase the number of women, children, young people, and people with disabilities taking part in boxing. These programmes must be designed to increase the membership in local boxing clubs of people in these cohorts. The role also contains a significant engagement element, creating internal linkages within the boxing community, and strengthening communication pathways between employees and volunteers, as well as boosting boxing’s visibility through various means including; social / online media, new communications systems and in person meetings and events.
We are seeking a dynamic, driven and motivated person to join our team. The person will be highly organised with the ability to multi-task and manage their time in the most efficient way possible. You will also have a high level of verbal and written communication skills.
Participation & Engagement Officer Job Description and Personal Specification:
Participation & Engagement Officer application form
Workforce Training and Development Officer
To lead on the development and provision of a workforce education and development system within the Irish Athletic Boxing Association (Ulster Branch), including delivering a range of needs led services to support the continuous development of clubs, county boards and the Ulster Boxing Council, so that they are fit for purpose. The role will also focus on providing an annual calendar of learning opportunities, which will include formal and informal learning. The areas of learning will be across a wide range of disciplines and topics including, but not limited to:
- Formal accredited coaching/referee and Judging qualifications
- Non-Formal learning opportunities for coaches, referees and judges
- Generic Training courses
- Governance which may include; Safeguarding, Health and Safety, committee roles and responsibilities, financial management, data management.
- Training for clubs, county boards, and the Ulster Boxing Council in relation to IABA specific policies.
We are seeking a dynamic member of staff to join our team. The person will be highly organised with the ability to multi-task and manage their time in the most efficient way possible. You will also have a high level of verbal and written communication skills.
Workforce Training & Development Officer Job Description and Personal Specification:
force Training and Development Officer application form
Applications will only be accepted via the individual application forms. No CVs will be accepted.
Applications must be sent to by Friday 18th March @ 5.00pm. Applications received after this time will not be accepted.
Interviews for all roles are scheduled for week commencing 27th March 2022.
Note all roles are funded through SportNI until 31st March 2023, with potential for extension subject to funding.