7 Days Left To Register: IABA EGM

There are 7 days remaining to register to attend IABA’s EGM:

Time: 11am

Date: July 10th

Location: Hannon’s Hotel, Acres, Athlone Road, Roscommon, Co. Roscommon – F42 PH33

Eligibility: All clubs who have submitted affiliations for the 2022/2023 season by June 30thare eligible to attend

Attendees: Eligible clubs may nominate any two adult members to attend as delegates – one to be a voting delegate, one to be a non-voting delegate. Delegates nominated by clubs must verified members – this means they must be included in the club’s affiliation application, through Blocworx, for the 2022/2023 season as members and be over the age of 18. *Please note, delegates will be required to present photographic identification (passport, drivers’ licence, etc) on the day of the EGM.  

Registrationregister here

Closing date for registration: 12:00 (noon), Thursday 07th July

Quorum: 60 affiliated Member Clubs present represented in person by their delegates.

The purpose of this EGM is to consider the following two motions:

Motion 1:

“That the Company Constitution and the Company Rulebook 2019 be amended to reflect the Recommendations of the Governance Review as they relate specifically to the composition of the Board of Directors.”

Motion 2:

“That Articles 5 and 73(e) of the Articles of Association of the Company Constitution be amended to replace the word “State” with “Island of Ireland.”

EGM documents are attached – the letter to members and:

  1. Notice of EGM.
  2. Agenda for EGM.
  3. Mark-up of the proposed amendments to the 2019 Rulebook and the Company Constitution.
  4. Irish Athletic Boxing Association Governance Review Final Report April 2022. Also available on the Company website at http://iaba.ie/site3/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/IABA-Governance-Review-Final-Report.pdf

Any questions which your club might wish to raise at the EGM concerning the proposed changes to the 2019 Rulebook and the Constitution or any other matter, should be submitted in advance of the EGM, either by post care of The Company Secretary to The National Stadium, 145 South Circular Road, Dublin 8, or by email to info@iaba.ie no later than Friday 01st July 2022 at 17:00 pm. This will facilitate us in providing the fullest response to any queries at the EGM.

Two workshops have taken place on the IABA Governance Review:

Workshop One

Workshop Two

Please find attached:

  • Letter to membership body
  • Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting
  • IABA EGM Agenda
  • Proposed Amendment to IABA constitution, incorporating EGM Motions
  • IABA Governance Review Final Report
  • Minutes of the AGM