IABA 2025 Safeguarding Learning Calendar

IABA is sharing its Safeguarding learning calendar for 2025.

In 2024, IABA delivered 14 Safeguarding 1 basic awareness courses, online and in person, providing this vital learning to 207 coaches and club administrators. IABA also delivered two Safeguarding Two courses to 28 Club Children’s Officers.

In 2025, IABA plans to deliver 12 Safeguarding One courses, 4 Safeguarding Two courses and a minimum of 1 Safeguarding Three courses.

IABA is also open, on request, to providing Safeguarding One and/or Safeguarding Two learning in person, at a county board or provincial unit level. County Boards and Provinical Units who wish to commission in-person delivery of this learning are invited to make contact with IABA National Safeguarding Manager, Stephen Flynn, via stephen@iaba.ie

Safeguarding One

All adults – coaches, committee members & non-coaching volunteers – in every club who have contact with children are required to have undertaken Safeguarding 1.

In keeping with Sport Ireland best practice in Safeguarding training, workshops will be limited to 16 participants. In keeping with norms across the sporting community, the cost for this workshop is E20. 

Register here: https://shout.com/s/5tP2AMoB

JanuaryWednesday 22nd 18.30-21.30online
FeburaryWednesday 19th 18.30-21.30online
MarchFriday 28th 14.00-17.00online
AprilTuesday 15th 18.30-21.30online
MayMonday 19th18.30-21.30online
JuneWednesday 25th 18.30-21.30online
JulySaturday 26th 10.00-13.00online
AugustFriday 22nd 14.00-17.00online
SeptemberMonday 22nd 18.30-21.30online
OctoberWednesday 22nd 18.30-21.30online
NovemberTuesday 18th 18.30-21.30online
DecemberWednesday 4th 18.30-21.30online

Safeguarding Two

The aim of this workshop is to help the Club Children’s Officer to carry out their role and support the implementation of best practice in the club. Participants will also receive a Club Children’s Officer Action Planning document as part of the training.

In keeping with Sport Ireland best practice in Safeguarding training, workshops will be limited to 16 participants. In keeping with norms across the sporting community, the cost for this workshop is E20. 

Register here: https://shout.com/s/o3NuYG4s

Quarter 1-Feburary12TH 18.30-21.230online
Quarter 2-May22ND 18.30-21.30online
Quarter 2- August18TH 18.30-21.30online
Quarter 2- December11TH 18.30-21.30online

Safeguarding Three

A person appointed to the Designated Liaison Person position in a club must firstly complete the Safeguarding One Workshop and should complete the SG3 training. A club may appoint the same person to both the CCO and DLP positions however best practice advises that they are kept as separate roles.

In keeping with Sport Ireland best practice in Safeguarding training, workshops will be limited to 16 participants. In keeping with norms across the sporting community, the cost for this workshop is E20. 

Quarter 1-FeburaryTBCOnline