iCoach Kids regional conferences open for registration.

As part of the European Week of Sport, Sport Ireland Coaching, in partnership with the LSP (Local Sports Partnerships) Network and the Sport Ireland Participation Unit is hosting a series of ICOACHKIDS Regional Coaching Conferences for coaches of children and teenagers. The aim of the ICOACHKIDS Regional Coaching Conferences is to bring current best practice and specific information to coaches at local level that will support them when coaching children and teenagers. Coaches who attend will be provided with specific directed learning on the day of the conference, as well as being signposted to self-directed learning opportunities through Sport Ireland and the ICOACHKIDS website.

Date:                  Monday 23rd September

Time:                  18:30 to 22:00

Venue:               Radisson Blu St Helens Hotel, Stillorgan, Dublin

Register here: ICOACHKIDS Regional Coaching Conference 2024 Tickets, Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 6:30 PM | Eventbrite

Date:                  Friday 27th September

Time:                  18:30 to 22:00

Venue                Carlton Hotel, Old Airport Road, Cloghran, Dublin

Register here: ICOACHKIDS Regional Coaching Conference 2024 Tickets, Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 6:00 PM | Eventbrite

Date:                  Saturday 28th September

Time:                  10:00 am – 13:00

Venue:               Bridge House Hotel, Tullamore

Register here: ICOACHKIDS Midlands Conference 2024 Tickets, Sat, Sep 28, 2024 at 9:30 AM | Eventbrite

The aim of the ICOACHKIDS Regional Coaching Conferences is to bring current best practice and specific information to coaches at local level that will support them when coaching children and teenagers. Coaches who attend will be provided with specific directed learning on the day of the conference, as well as being signposted to self-directed learning opportunities through Sport Ireland and the ICOACHKIDS website. 

Name of Conference: ICOACH KIDS Regional Coaching Conference 2024

Who should attend: Coaches of Children and Teenagers 

If you answer YES to any of these questions the ICOACHKIDS Regional Coaching Conference is for YOU! 

  1. Are you a coach of children U12? 
  2. Do you coach teenage girls? 
  3. Do you coach teenage boys? 
  4. Would you like to know more about being child/teen centred in your coaching? 
  5. What coaching skills do you need to improve/develop to put the needs of children/teenagers first? 
  6. Would you like to develop an inclusive culture and environment where you coach? 
  7. Are you concerned with dropout from your sport? 

This ICOACHKIDS Regional Coaching Conference 2024 will provide a clear set of practical tips and tools to create positive meaningful movement experiences for each and every child/teenager in your session. The conference presenters will provide supports to create child centred sessions, tips on how to manage fun and skills development while empowering the children participating in your sport.  

Keynote Speakers

Sheelagh Quinn – Biography 

Coaching Children and Physical Literacy Lead Officer at Sport Ireland  

Sheelagh has worked with Sport Ireland for 25 years, and currently leads the development of the Coaching Children and Coaching Teenagers Programmes in Ireland and Physical Literacy within Sport Ireland. As part of her role Sheelagh leads on the iCoadhKids Projects- a multi-agency global movement aiming to support the development of a Specialist Children and Youth Coaching Workforce (including ICoachKids, ICoachKids+ and iCoachGirls). Sheelagh is currently the Chair of the iCoachKids Global committee, and a member of the steering group of Sport Coaching Europe (The International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) continental body for Europe) 

Declan O’Leary – Biography 

Coaching Development Manager for Sport Ireland 

After spending much of his career in supporting NGBs (National Governing Bodies of Sport) in the development of their coach development systems, Declan has worked more recently on the support of coaches in their practice. This has included coaching people with disabilities, coaching children and coaching young people.  As well as investigating the needs for coaches in their practice, Declan has contributed to the development of the Sport Ireland coaching and the ICOACHKIDS resources. He is a founding member of ICOACHKIDS. 

Phil Kearney – Biography 

Course Leader for the MSc Applied Sports Coaching at the University of Limerick. A Fellow of the Higher Education Authority, his teaching, and research centres on the domain of skill acquisition, particularly as it relates to youth sport. A regular contributor to RTÉ Brainstorm, Phil chairs the Skill Acquisition and Biomechanics subgroup of the Gaelic Athletic Association’s Sport Science Working Group, is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Motor Learning and Development, and is the Irish representative on the Teaching Games for Understanding Special Interest Group of the International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education. Phil is a co-founder of Movement and Skill Acquisition Ireland